Regulations and Standards for Air Conditioning System Cleaning in Palm Beach County FL

As a residential building contractor, you can apply for permits to install air conditioners in rooms and for the work of any specialized contractor within the limits of Palm Beach County (PBC). The county's funding for dune restoration or coastal protection projects in municipalities will be subject to the full implementation of this Chapter or to the adoption and application of an equally strict or stricter ordinance by a municipality. The determinations will be based on the review by the Environmental Resource Management (ERM) and on the acceptance or rejection of a municipality's replacement ordinance, as well as on the review of permits, variations and enforcement notifications issued in accordance with the municipal ordinance. This chapter is adopted under the authority of Florida Statutes (F.

S.).ERM may impose conditions on any Shoreline Treatment Line Permit (STLP) approval when such conditions are considered reasonably necessary to protect sea turtles. Any request received that is substantially the same as a previous request that was denied by ERM will also be denied without further processing. Any owner of a site or property that is subject to or receives an infringement notification or breach notification that remains unresolved will not be issued an ERM STLP approval. Window tinting specifications for all windows and doors within the line of sight of the beach, including the percentage of visible light transmission (see the definition of tinted glass), must also be met. When applying for STLP approval in common areas of a multifamily residential site (for example, a condominium complex), ERM will not process a request submitted by the owner of a unit in a multifamily environment where work is proposed on land designated as common areas or that can reasonably be considered as common areas.

If ERM does not request additional information within 30 days of receipt of the request or information requested, the request will be considered complete upon receipt. If an applicant does not respond to an ERM request for an application fee or any additional information within 60 days, the request may be denied without prejudice. However, ERM may grant an extension as reasonably necessary to comply with the request for additional information. After receiving a completed application and fee, ERM will have 90 days to make the final decision, unless the applicant accepts in writing an extension of time or an exemption from this requirement. The agency's final action will be the approval of an STLP, the denial of an STLP, or the conditional approval of an STLP.

If ERM does not take final action within 90 days, the proposed work will be authorized with standard limit conditions. ERM STLP approvals can be issued for a period of duration that is reasonably necessary to complete the project, not exceeding five years. Any substantial modification to a complete application, or the approval of the STLP, will require a modified application form and an additional application fee, and all time periods of this Section will be restarted. Inspections must include: The date and time of the initial inspection; The degree of compliance with this chapter and with the approved STLP; All areas of potential and observed non-compliance from this chapter; Any action taken to correct the observed non-compliance and the date on which the remedy will be implemented, if applicable; and The date(s) and time(s) of corrective inspections, if applicable. The beach lighting must have been constructed in accordance with this chapter; The inspector must have observed the project area at night with all lights on; Beachfront light sources within jurisdictional limits must not be directly or indirectly visible from the beach at night; To prevent interior lights from illuminating the beach, window treatment must be required on all windows visible from the beach within jurisdictional limits. Blackout curtains or shade screens are preferred. Alternatively or additionally, window tint can be applied to beachfront windows. It is highly recommended to turn off all unnecessary interior lights during nesting season.

Applicable jurisdictions shall conspicuously place permanent informational signs on sea turtles at all access points to public beaches equipped with dune crossings. Information signs must be standardized by ERM. The use of informational signs about sea turtles will also be encouraged at all new access points to private beaches equipped with dune crossings. Signage will be the responsibility of the owner. Standard signs with information on sea turtles must be maintained in perpetuity so that they are accurate and legible, and they must be placed so that they are visible to people at all access points to public beaches equipped with dune crossings.

The removal of informational signs by persons other than those authorized by ERM is prohibited. Fees will not be refundable or transferable. All application fees paid by check must be paid to Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Submission to ERM of any signed and sealed lighting inspection report containing false information is prohibited. Degradation of sand by mixing it with sediment, soil or material in such a way that it does not meet the definition of sand compatible with beach is also prohibited. Alterations that cause a net loss of sand from Zone Protection Element (ZPE) are prohibited.

Failure to comply with requirements of this Chapter or any approval granted or authorized hereunder is prohibited. Crossing a natural dune by pedestrian less than 200 feet away from public dune is also prohibited. Any lighting design or alteration that would have violated PBC ordinances No. is prohibited. All money raised as civil penalties for violations of this Chapter will be deposited in Trust Fund for Pollution Recovery.

The purpose and intent of this Chapter are to protect and safeguard health, safety, and well-being of PBC residents and visitors by providing criteria to regulate and prohibit use, management, production and storage of certain harmful substances that may damage present and future wells and public drinking water supply wells and well fields. Copies of building permits for residential uses containing more than 25 units, all non-residential projects and all occupational licenses issued for zones 1, 2, 3 or 4 must be sent to....